Apostolic Archives international








 Personal Endorsements

I appreciate the great work of Dr. Gary W. Garrett in giving oversight to this wonderful, historical institution, known as the Apostolic Archives International. My personal research finds the information gathered, to be a credible and useful tool for research in Pentecostal studies. I know you will find the same.

Kenneth F. Haney

General Superintendent

United Pentecostal Church International



I applaud the efforts of Dr. Gary W. Garrett and his wife (Deborah) in giving tirelessly to the mission of the preservation of the Pentecostal movement, the Azusa Street Revival and other similar revivals in general, and to the Apostolic movement inparticular. This rich history needs to be preserved for this, and future generations. The work of Jesus Christ of those men who hazarded their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.

Dr. Bernie L. Wade

Presiding Bishop

International Circle of Faith


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Organizations Endorsing the Apostolic Archives International

United Pentecostal Church International

Pentecostal Assemblies of the World

Bible Way Churches

Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ

Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ

International Circle of Faith

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