Who's Who in Pentecost > Calloway, Lucille Tanzella


Pastor Lucille Tanzella Calloway

Lucille Tanzella Calloway, Pastor of Faith Tabernacle Apostolic Church of Christ, Turner Station, Maryland. A born again, Holy Ghost filled, tongue talking, serious minded woman of God, leading a flock of followers in the holiness and righteousness of God, by way of the Holy Ghost, all the way from Rock Hill, West Virginia, where she was born, May, 1923.

After being born again, she made Jesus Christ her number one man; even though she was married to a young man named Leon Calloway. There were times when Pastor Calloway's faith and love for Christ ws tested. For instance, Brother Calloway, her beloved husband, not saved yet, told her "you go out of this house to go to that church, and you won't get back in the house!" But she went anyway. But when she came home from church she found the night lock on the front and back doors were set that the key could not turn the lock. The windows were locked; but Bro. Calloway forgot the bedroom window which he left opened to get air while he slept. When he awoke that morning, he found his wife lying beside him sound to sleep. She displayed, in her lifestyle, the saying, "I shall let nothing seperate me from the Lord God.

God blessed her with a beautiful staff of ministers who were dedicated to her and Faith Tabernacle. Not only was she of good humor, she also didn't play (with church). She didn't mind setting the records straight, and didn't mind setting anyone straight if they were wrong. She didn't allow anything to come into the church that would contaminate the saints. She was truly a watchman on the wall.

Pastor Calloway sought God's wisdom to lead Faith Tabernacle in holiness and righteousness. She learned that understanding the Word of God produced wisdom: asking questions about the Word got you understanding and wisdom. When an elder or pastor or bishop was invited to teach Bible Class to Faith Tabernacle, what she didn't understand, she would stop the teacher and ask a question to get that understanding.

Pastor Calloway was known in the Apostolic Faith, especially, in the organization her church was affiliated with, Rehoboth Church of God In Christ Jesus, Apostolic. As she served God and the people of God, she influenced many high ranking officers as well as lau saints, how to really worship and praise God.

Her faith and prayers of 17 years won her husband, Deacon Leon, to be saved, and born again. Her faith and prayers defeated cancer and saved her own hair from being lost by chemotherapy: the healing of sickness in others, and so much more.

Although in her 90's, Pastor Calloway remains passionate about ministry. She is still in charge of Faith Tabernacle; shouting, praising, and worshiping God.

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